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Resources at Astra Bank

We try to make banking easy, but know at times customers have questions. That's why we've created our helpful Resource section on our site to help answer any questions you may have. You'll find handy financial calculators to "crunch your own numbers" and determine loan payments (or plan for a savings goal), access our blog with helpful articles and information or watch a video on many of our services to help make your financial life easier.

If you happen to be looking for something that's not included (yet), just contact us and we'll be happy to answer any questions you may have personally. We're here to help make sure you are in the know on all your banking needs.

Online Banking

Introducing Online Banking.

Now you can have 24-hour access to real-time account information from the convenience of your personal computer. Online Banking is convenient, easy to use, and more secure than ever.

  • View account balances, check images and history
  • 24-hour access to checking, savings, loans and CDs
  • Export history to financial software or spreadsheets
  • Transfer funds between accounts
  • Pay bills online
  • Request stop payments
  • Safe and secure

Business Online

Business Online Banking

24-hour access to real-time account information from the convenience of your personal computer. Business Online Banking is convenient, easy to use, and more secure than ever.

  • View account balances, check images and history
  • 24-hour access to checking, savings, loans and CDs
  • Export history to financial software or spreadsheets
  • Transfer funds between accounts
  • Pay bills online
  • Request stop payments
  • Safe and secure
Learn More about Business Online Banking


Introducing Bill Pay from Astra Bank.

Simply the best way to manage your payments.

  • Pay Virtually Anyone. From the local bakery to a Fortune 500 Company, even your babysitter.Send Money to Friends and Family. All you need is their email address or cell phone number.
  • Same Day/Next Day Payments. Payments can often be received in as little as one business day, even that same afternoon if necessary.
  • Group Payments into Categories. Organize your utilities, cable and phone into a folder named household.
  • Account to Account Transfers. Even accounts at other financial institutions. Your money is always available, regardless of where you keep it.
  • Receive eBills. Green, more convenient, more secure and easier to manage.
  • Reminders. Receive updates through email when you receive a bill, or when it's due.
  • Automatic Payments. Great for bills that stay the same each month, like your rent and your car loan.
  • Search Bill History. Search by company, date and status, the moment you need an answer, wherever you are.
  • Message Center. Get quick answers to questions you might have.
  • Completely safe. More secure than mailing paper checks.

eStatements — Everything I Like!

estatements are good for the environment. They literally save tons of paper. Which means fewer trees need to be harvested and less energy needs to be used to make the paper. Choosing estatements is something easy you can do, that really is Earth-friendly.
You get your statement sooner, because online delivery eliminates delays sometimes found with postal mail delivery.
estatements eliminate the clutter of paper statements and allow you to store and retrieve past statements right on your hard drive.
Identity Theft experts actually recommend electronic statements. Why? Because most identity theft occurs through the mail or improperly discarded paper documents containing sensitive information. estatements simply protect your information better than paper statements.
It costs you nothing to switch to estatements — and to have access to every transaction in your account, including check images, right at your fingertips.
Enroll today, and discover all the advantages of estatements. Simply log into Online Banking, and enroll for eStatements under the options tab.

Learn to protect yourself from Identity Theft. Astra Bank can help.

Your identity is one of the most valuable things you own. It’s important to keep your identity from being stolen by someone who can potentially harm your good name and financial well-being. Identity theft occurs when someone uses your name, address, Social Security Number, credit card or financial account numbers, passwords, and other personal information without your knowledge to commit fraud or other crimes. While the words may sound like a foreign language -- Phishing, Pharming, Vishing, Spyware, Dumpster Diving — they are actually techniques used by thieves to put your identity and finances at risk. And their attacks grow more frequent and sophisticated every year. Identity theft is the fastest growing crime in the United States. According to US Department of Justice statistics, it’s now passing drug trafficking as the number one crime in America.

How to protect your identity

The simple fact is you can protect yourself against most forms of identity theft. The first step is education. To make it easier to understand, we’ve divided identity theft into the five “Danger Zones.” Take a few moments to learn about each of the Danger Zones and the steps you can take to avoid being a victim.

Is your company keeping information secure?

Are you taking steps to protect personal information? Safeguarding sensitive data in your files and on your computers is just plain good business. After all, if that information falls into the wrong hands, it can lead to fraud or identity theft. A sound data security plan is built on five key principles:

  1. Take stock. Know what personal information you have in your files and on your computers.
  2. Scale down. Keep only what you need for your business.
  3. Lock it. Protect the information in your care.
  4. Pitch it. Properly dispose of what you no longer need.
  5. Plan ahead. Create a plan to respond to security incidents.

To learn more about how you can implement these principles in your business, watch the video. You'll see and hear about practical steps your business can take to protect personal information. After you experience the tutorial, we hope you'll take advantage of the other resources on this site to educate your employees and customers. This information is provided by the Federal Trade Commission, Bureau of Consumer Protection.

*Other fees such as rush, overnight delivery fees, personal payments, bank to bank transfer fees, etc. may apply within bill pay but would be fully disclosed to you as you choose this option. Contact your local Astra Bank location for additional information and restrictions.